Club Sponsor, Mentor, Coach Training is Announced

Club Sponsors, Mentor and Coaches are integral to building clubs and returning clubs to deliver a high-quality member experience. Come to this session to learn the best practices of members in these roles.

Club Sponsor

A club sponsor is an experienced Toastmaster who assists new clubs. They are appointed to help get a new club through the chartering process. Serving as a successful new club sponsor counts toward completion of your Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) requirementsA Club Sponsor serves as a guide, helping new clubs to learn the Toastmasters requirements, best practices, meeting roles, and orientation to the educational resources as the members get started.

One hour Club Sponsor training, Monday, August 28 at 4:30 pm.

Club Mentor

A club mentor is an appointed advisor for a newly formed club. They advise, teach, and guide a newly chartered club in implementing the Toastmasters program at the club during the first six months to one year of the new club’s existence. Members joined Toastmasters to become more effective communicators and leaders. They stay in Toastmasters because the club provides a valuable service and meets their individual needs.

One hour Club Mentor training, Monday, August 28 at 6:00 pm.

Club Coach

A club coach is an experienced Toastmaster who partners with a club to help rebuild membership and restore quality to member experience. One focus for the coach is to help the club achieve recognition in the Distinguished Club Program. A successful club coach will build rapport with club officers and members, instill enthusiasm, camaraderie, and structure within the club, assess the club environment and recommend best practices for success.

One hour Club Coach training, Monday, August 28 at 7:30 pm.

See the District Calendar for Zoom information for these classes.
