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Speech Contests for 2024-2025

District 96 is holding three speech contests this year. 

1. International Speech Contest

2. Table Topics Contest

3. Online Speech Contest

Club members can participate in one, two or all three speech contests!

Find out how to be a successful contestant and/or host a successful Speech Contest. Attend the…

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February is Toastmasters month! Talk up Toastmasters!!

This prestigious award celebrates clubs that excel in membership growth and engagement. Here’s how you can achieve this esteemed recognition for your club:

Talk Up Toastmasters award: Add 5 New, Dual, or Reinstated Members

Can your club add five new, dual, or reinstated members with a join date between February 1 and March 31? Achieving this goal not only strengthens our community but…

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District Leader Applications & Nominations


 Are you ready to Lead...and Grow?  Take the next step!

As you may have heard, Districts 21 & 96 are merging into a new District 21 effective July 1, 2025.  We have an important opportunity for you. 

The District Leadership Committee (DLC) for the new District 21 is…

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2025 Spring Conference Theme Contest

Mark Your Calendars and Hold the Date!

The District 96 Spring  Conference will be held at the Delta Hotel (Grand Villa Casino) in Burnaby, on May 16/17, 2025. 

Submit your ideas for a theme to by February 14, 2025.

Registration for the Conference will be opening soon. 

Toastmasters Meet Rotary: A New Era for Leadership and Communication


A Showcase of Excellence

The event opened with Franco Gallo, President of the Rotary Club of Vancouver, who set the stage by discussing the significance of the Rotary-Toastmasters alliance and its role in advancing leadership within communities. His personal stories and reflections connected with attendees…

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June 14
Saturday, 6:00 - 10:00pm PDT
February 28
Friday, 7:00 - 8:30pm PST
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Tuesday, 6:45 - 7:45pm PDT
December 23
Tuesday, 6:45 - 7:45pm PST
March 11
Tuesday, 6:45 - 7:45pm PDT